Southwest Region: Golden Threads
Sep 7
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Golden Threads: Richardson, Bage, Austen and Brontë
Join the Southwest Region for a half-day, in-person event on "Golden Threads: Richardson, Bage, Austen and Brontë."
The event will feature presentations by Southwest members Catherine Hayes and Nancy Gallagher. Hayes will discuss "Bookending the Bennets: Common Themes in Pamela, Pride and Prejudice, and Jane Eyre." This talk will explore common themes in both main text and subtext among these three novels. The topics include relationships (romantic, familial, and cross-class), plot points, and the place of each protagonist in her environment.
Gallagher's presentation will be “First, and Lasting Impressions: Robert Bage and the Young Jane Austen." In 1796, at the tender age of 21, Jane Austen came into possession of a remarkable novel, Hermsprong or Man As He Is Not by Robert Bage. So, what impact did this strangely titled, radical novel, written by an aging paper manufacturer from the industrial Midlands, make on the impressionable young clergyman’s daughter? What common threads, in situation, character, style, and tone can we uncover in the work of these two gifted, but vastly dissimilar novelists?
Cost is $42 for JASNA members, $25 for students with ID, or $57 for nonmembers and guests of members.
Registration closes August 24.