Persuasions #11, 1989                                                                                                                                                                 Page 151

The Quiz at Santa Fe

Compiled by Mary Millard, Toronto

(Click here to see answers to the quizzes (not in the original publication of Persuasions Number 11))

1.         The Heroine

       (a)  Who spoke favourably of Elizabeth’s “wit and vivacity”?

(b)  Who said “she really looked almost wild”?

(c)  Who said that she was “a very genteel, pretty kind of girl”?


2.         The Hero

       (a)  Who called him “that tall, proud man”?

(b)  How long had he been in possession of the Pemberley estate?

(c)  Who said of him:  “He is the kind of man, indeed, to whom I should never dare refuse anything, which he condescended to ask.”?


3.         The Food

       (a)  What dish was praised by Darcy when he dined at Longbourn?

(b)  What food did Bingley consider essential at a ball?

(c)  Why did Mr. Hurst despise Elizabeth’s choice of food?


4.         The Real Estate

       (a)  In what respect were Rosings and Pemberley House similarly situated?

(b)  How was Mr. Bennet’s estate superior to Sir William Lucas’s?

(c)  What three houses have libraries?


5.         The Journeys

       (a)  How far was it from Lucas Lodge to Hunsford?

(b)  How long did it take the Gardiners and Elizabeth to travel from Lambton to Longbourn?

(c)  By what means did Jane and Elizabeth return home from the Gardiners’ in London?


6.         The Equipages

Who has the following carriages?

(a)  A low phaeton

(b)  A curricle

(c)  A gig

(d)  A coach

(e)  A barouche

(f)  A chaise


7.         The Dances

We all know that Darcy refused to dance with Elizabeth at the Meryton assembly.

(a)  Where did Elizabeth refuse to dance with him?

(b)  Who was playing?

(c)  Where did Elizabeth evade his hinted invitation to dance?

(d)  Who was playing?

(e)  Name two of Bingley’s partners, other than Jane, at the Meryton assembly.


8.         The Gossip

Who initiated the following rumours (some actually true)?

(a)  That Jane was engaged to Bingley

(b)  That Bingley was returning to Netherfield

(c)  That Darcy was to marry Anne de Bourgh

(d)  That Bingley was to marry Miss Darcy

(e)  That Bingley was bringing a large party to the Meryton assembly

(f)  That Elizabeth was about to be engaged to Darcy

(g)  That Lydia’s misbehaviour was a result of her being spoiled by her parents

(h)  That Mary King was going to her uncle’s

(i)   That Elizabeth was delighted with Wickham

(Click here to see answers to the quizzes (not in the original publication of Persuasions Number 11))

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