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Join & Support

JASNA membership is open to everyone interested in the works and life of Jane Austen. 

Membership includes:

  • A subscription to JASNA News, the Society's newsletter, which is published four times a year and includes news, feature articles, and book reviews;
  • Our annual journal, Persuasions, a leading source for Austen studies; 
  • Membership in one or more of our regional groups;
  • An opt-in email subscription to JASNA's monthly e-bulletin and other timely announcements; 
  • An invitation to attend the Annual General Meeting, our members-only three-day conference;
  • Advance notice of tours to England tailored for JASNA members.

Austen at 250 Logo

A Special Offer for Students

In honor of Jane Austen’s 250th birthday in 2025, JASNA has a special offer for students. Throughout the year, we're offering free one-year Student Memberships! Click here for details.  


Membership Dues

Student Annual Membership is only available with digital publications. Individual Annual and Life Memberships are available in two versions: one with printed publications and one with digital publications only.


United States





By Mail


Student Annual, Digital—250th Birthday Offer
(eligibility requirements below)*

Free* Free* Free* Free*

Individual Annual, Digital

USD $30 USD $30 CDN $38 USD $30

Individual Annual 
(with print publications)

USD $45

USD $45

CDN $57 USD $55

Life Membership, Digital

USD $500

CDN $650 USD $500

Life Membership 
(with print publications)

USD $750

CDN $975 USD $900

*Between March 1, 2024, and December 31, 2025, Student Membership is available free of charge to students currently enrolled in a course of study leading to a high school diploma, college/university degree, trade or professional license or certificate, or equivalents of these. Students are required to indicate their current course of study on the membership application form.
**International members have mailing addresses outside the US and Canada. 

About JASNA Memberships
  • All JASNA members can access and download digital copies of our publications, JASNA News and Persuasions, through the Member Portal. 
  • If you join or renew with a lower-cost Digital membership, you will not receive printed publications; we will notify you by email when the digital edition of a publication is available to download. If you choose a membership that includes printed publications, you will receive Persuasions and JASNA News by mail, but you will also be notified by email when a digital edition is available in case you would like to download it. 
  • Memberships remain in effect for the full membership period and cannot be "upgraded" to include printed publications or changed to "digital" during that membership term. Changes can be made when a membership is renewed.
  • If you are enrolled in a membership, including a Life Membership, that provides printed copies of Persuasions and JASNA News, you will continue to receive them by mail unless you opt out of one or both printed publications in your Member Portal account. Prorated refunds are not available.

How to Join or Renew

Enroll or renew online. It's quick and convenient, and your membership will take effect immediately!

Canadians:  You may join or renew Canadian Individual and Student Memberships online at the US dues rates. Applications for Life Membership must be mailed to the Canadian Membership Secretary with a check payable in Canadian dollars using the printable form provided below.

New Memberships

Renewing Memberships or Rejoining

Gift Memberships

Prefer to Pay by Check?

Print the appropriate Membership Form provided below and mail it in with your check. Memberships paid by check take 4 to 6 weeks to process after JASNA receives the completed application form and dues.

New members will receive a Welcome Email after their enrollment has been processed.

Membership Year

An Annual Membership starts on the date the membership is processed and expires one year later. For example, a membership that starts on June 1 will be active through May 31 of the following year. When a membership is renewed before it expires, the new membership term will start after the current membership year is completed.


If you have questions about membership, please email one of our Membership Secretaries:

US/International Membership Secretary:  Holly Eckelbarger,
Canadian Membership Secretary:
  Gary Diver,

Or Call: 1-206-739-6225


Photo used in banner © Lisa Brown 

For Austen’s 250th Birthday: Free Student Membership ›

We're celebrating Austen’s 250th birthday early with a special offer for full- and part-time student...

Support JASNA ›

JASNA relies on membership dues and donations to support its programs and outreach activities.

“. . . from politics, it was an easy step to silence.”

Northanger Abbey