Video of JASNA members at the AGM discussing why Jane Austen inspires legions of admirers.
Photos from the AGM are now available!
In 1771 American frontiersman Daniel Boone crossed into Kentucky through the Cumberland Gap of the Appalachian Mountains, writing, “I surveyed the famous river Ohio that rolled in silent dignity, marking the western boundary of Kentucky with inconceivable grandeur.” Boone later declared, “I returned home to my family with a determination to bring them as soon as possible to live in Kentucky, which I esteemed a second paradise.” Jane Austen never traveled to America, yet the lady who wrote, “To sit in the shade on a fine day and look upon verdure is the most perfect refreshment,” surely would have concurred with Boone.
The Greater Louisville Region is honored to host the 2015 AGM and share our heavenly slice of the world with Jane Austen devotees. Natural beauty is only one of the myriad refreshments available for visitors to experience while in Louisville—“Gateway to the South”—this October. Between outstanding speakers, breakout sessions, and special events focused on Living in Jane Austen’s World, and then the incredible local area tours, award-winning restaurants, and unique blend of Southern charm with cosmopolitan attitude that embodies Louisville, we believe this AGM may be the best ever!
As your hosts, our promise is to ensure your stay in Louisville is fulfilling and memorable. You may never want to leave!
Bonny Wise
Alana Gillett
Coordinators, 2015 AGM
The 2015 AGM is dedicated to founding Greater Louisville Region member Jackie Johnson who passed away last December.