J. David Grey Young Writers’ Workshop

Jane Austen’s writing desk. 
Photo courtesy of JaneAusten.org.

The workshop is an outreach activitiy whose purpose is to increase student awareness and understanding of Jane Austen’s works, and is named after one of JASNA’s founders, J. David Grey.  The Joan Austen-Leigh Prizes are awarded to the top three creative writing entries, completed at the workshop.  The winning participants, along with a parent, will be invited to attend the JASNA AGM Sunday Brunch on October 11, 2015.

What is the Theme?  “Living in Jane Austen’s World” is the official theme of the JASNA AGM, so the Young Writers’ Workshop and Writing Competition will focus on this subject.

Who is Eligible?  Local area high school students, 9th - 11th grade, including homeschooled students, who are interested in literature and history.  Student must still be in high school during the AGM in October.  The workshop is limited to 25 students.

When & Where is the Workshop?  On Saturday, May 9, 2015 from 12:30 pm to 5 pm at the Indiana University Southeast Library located on 4201 Grant Line Road in New Albany, Indiana.

Who is leading the Workshop?  Creative Writers and JASNA-Greater Louisville Region members, Hannah Stoppel and Brandon Vigliarolo.

What does the Workshop entail?  A lecture by Hannah Stoppel and Brandon Vigliarolo, a video montage of Regency Era interactions, discussions and questions, refreshments, and the writing contest.

The creative writing entries will be completed at the workshop, the specific topic revealed at that time.  The lab’s computers will be available to compose, access information, and print the document.  Hannah Stoppel, Brandon Vigliarolo and other judges will evaluate each entry and select the winners based on established criteria.

What are the Prizes?  The top three winners will receive, in order, $100, $50, and $25.  The winners and a parent will be honored at the AGM Sunday Brunch in October.  All of the 2015 Young Writers’ Workshop attendees will receive a certificate and gift for participation.

When do Applications open?  January 2015.  An Application Form is available here.

What is the Deadline for Application?  April 9, 2015.

Who to contact for more information?  LivingInJanesWorld2015@gmail.com.