In celebration of Austen’s birth, these plenary speakers will lead our journey into the essence of Austen.
Paula Byrne
Carol Medine Moss Keynote Lecturer
Biographer, literary critic, and novelist Dr. Paula Byrne has written two books on Jane Austen: The Real Jane Austen: A Life in Small Things, in which she illuminated Austen's life and writing using her own words and objects, and The Genius of Jane Austen: Her Love of Theater and Why She Is a Hit in Hollywood. Byrne was the historical and literary consultant for the PBS series Sanditon. Along with her Austen books, she has written several best-selling literary biographies, examining the lives of Georgians Dido Elizabeth Belle and Mary Robinson as well as twentieth-century figures Barbara Pym, Kathleen "Kick" Kennedy, and Evelyn Waugh. Her most recent book, Hardy Women, looks at Thomas Hardy through the eyes of the women in his life; The Times chose it as its best summer read and pronounced it "a treat for Hardy fans and unhappy wives." Byrne has written two novels, one of which is a fictional account of the life of Marlene Dietrich. An Austen expert and renowned practitioner of the biographer's art, Paula Byrne is the perfect choice to serve as the 2025 Carol Medine Moss Keynote Speaker.
Juliette Wells
2025 JASNA North American Scholar
The 2025 JASNA North American Scholar lecturer is Dr. Juliette Wells, Professor of Literary Studies at Goucher College in Baltimore. Wells is a former JASNA traveling lecturer and has spoken at many AGMs over the years. She is the author of several histories of Austen readers and fans. Her most recent book, A New Jane Austen: How Americans Brought Us the World’s Greatest Novelist, centers on visionary writers and collectors, including Goucher College alumna Alberta Burke, who were advocates for Austen’s literary significance, broadening her readership and preserving artifacts vital to her legacy.
Janine Barchas, Inger Brodey, Collins Hemingway, and Devoney Looser
The author showcase plenary will feature four well-known JASNA authors, who will share their thoughts on how they see Austen’s genius at work.
Dr. Janine Barchas holds the Chancellor's Council Centennial Chair in the Book Arts at the University of Texas at Austin. In addition to authoring The Lost Books of Jane Austen and Matters of Fact in Jane Austen, she is the creator behind the digital project "What Jane Saw," which reconstructs two Georgian art exhibitions as witnessed by Austen. Her latest publication, scheduled for 2025, is The Novel Life of Jane Austen: A Graphic Biography, in partnership with artist Isabel Greenberg.
Dr. Inger Brodey is a Professor of English and Comparative Literature at the University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill. Her Jane Austen and the Price of Happiness, published in 2024, focuses on Jane Austen's endings. Brodey leads the “Jane Austen’s Desk” project, which recreates Austen’s writing environment virtually, and co-founded the Jane Austen Summer Program and Jane Austen & Co.
Collins Hemingway combines a career writing books on business and the internet with a deep appreciation for Jane Austen. He has written historical fiction based on Austen's life, and has turned to literary criticism with his latest book, Jane Austen and the Creation of Modern Fiction: Six Novels in "a Style Entirely New.”
Dr. Devoney Looser is Regents Professor of English at Arizona State University. Author or editor of eleven books, including Sister Novelists, The Making of Jane Austen, The Daily Jane Austen, and her latest, Wild for Austen, due in September 2025. In addition to being a life member of JASNA and a quirky Janeite book nerd, she’s played roller derby under the name Stone Cold Jane Austen.
Vanessa Riley
Dr. Vanessa Riley is the author of over 25 novels, including a trio of books based on the true stories of extraordinary women during the Georgian/Regency era, Island Queen, Queen of Exiles, and Sister Mother Warrior. Her works spotlight hidden narratives of Black women and women of color, emphasizing power, sisterhoods, and family sagas across historical fiction, romance, and mystery genres. She has received accolades such as the 2023 Georgia Literary Fiction Author of the Year for Sister Mother Warrior, and the 2024 Georgia Mystery/Detective Author of the year for Murder in Drury Lane. Vanessa was the historical consultant for Hallmark’s 2024 production of Sense and Sensibility, and her novel Island Queen has been optioned for an adaptation. With a doctorate in mechanical engineering from Stanford University and other engineering degrees from Penn State, Vanessa brings a research-oriented approach to her inclusive storytelling.
John Mullan
Known for his entertaining and engaging style, Dr. John Mullan, Lord Northcliffe Chair of Modern English Literature at University College London, specializes in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century literature. He is a frequent guest on radio and TV and writer of the Guardian’s column on current fiction. The author of books including What Matters in Jane Austen?, Anonymity: A Secret History of English Literature, and How Novels Work, he has a skill for uncovering the essence of a novelist’s writing. His presentations have led audiences on captivating and thought-provoking journeys through Austen’s use of language and phrasing. Mullan will bring this very special AGM to a memorable end.