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2022 AGM Reading List

Sense and Sensibility in JASNA Publications

Learn more about Jane Austen's first published novel: the focus of JASNA's 2022 AGM, “Sense and Sensibility in the City of Gardens,” to be held in Victoria, British Columbia.  This curated list is a small sampling of essays from Persuasions, Persuasions On-Line, and the JASNA Essay Contest.

Competing Institutions: The Law and the Church

  • “John Dashwood’s Contract to Care: Parodic Legalism in Sense and Sensibility” by Kevin Wong. Persuasions 42 (2020): 181-93.


The Landscape and Eco-Criticism

Manners, Mores, and Emotions

Men and Rakes

On Adaptations in Film and Popular Culture

The Text Itself

Women and Heroines

Additional Lists


“We have all a better guide in ourselves, if we would attend to it, than any other person can be.”

Mansfield Park