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Eastern Washington/Northern Idaho Region: Lovers' Vows and Mansfield Park (VIRTUAL)

Aug 3

2:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Lovers' Vows and Mansfield Park

IMG 3884

In Volume I of Mansfield Park, several chapters are devoted to the choosing and rehearsals of Lovers’ Vows, Elizabeth Inchbald’s 1798 translation/adaptation of August Kotzebue’s Das Kind der Liebe (The Love-Child). Contemporary readers of Austen would have known Inchbald’s play, and it is likely that Austen saw it performed when she lived in Bath. There are some parallels between the characters in the novel and the roles they have in the play, although Austen created some interesting twists. Several of the themes in Lovers’ Vows are also explored in Mansfield Park. This is your opportunity to read or reread Lovers’ Vows and deepen your appreciation of Mansfield Park.

Join the Eastern Washington/Northern Idaho Region for a Zoom discussion. The meeting is free and open to the public. Download discussion questions from the region's website, where you can also access links to sources for the play.

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