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Community Guidelines

JASNA is enriched and strengthened by the diversity of backgrounds, experiences, and opinions of our membership. The pleasure of our gatherings lies in the free exchange of ideas and the active participation of all who attend. As JASNA members, we have a shared responsibility for creating a welcoming, safe, and productive environment for everyone participating in our programs and on our digital platforms. 

Each of us has the responsibility to:

  • Communicate openly, thoughtfully, and respectfully; critique ideas, not people.
  • Share the floor in discussions and question-and-answer sessions, encouraging newcomers and those who are less frequently heard to offer their views.
  • Make it easy for others to join in at meals and social activities, sharing physical space as well as offering words of welcome.
  • Respect others’ boundaries by asking before engaging in physical contact, taking photos or videos, or posting or publishing images.
  • Be mindful of language. As we speak of history and writing from centuries past, we should adopt language that addresses the discriminatory nature of historically-used terms. (This request for sensitivity does not infringe on presenters’ freedom, for educational purposes, to use quotations or to display historical images that modern audiences may consider offensive or inappropriate.)
  • Acknowledge that changes in language and understanding are an evolutionary process, and accept both mistakes and requests for change with grace.

“We have all a better guide in ourselves, if we would attend to it, than any other person can be.”  —Mansfield Park

The following behaviors do not belong and will not be tolerated at JASNA events:

  • Harassing, stalking, or threatening anyone.
  • Public speech at the event that expresses hate for, fosters or perpetuates prejudice against, or encourages violence toward a person or group based on a characteristic such as (but not limited to) race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation.
  • Deliberately disrupting the meeting.
  • Wearing or carrying any weapon, real or simulated. (Exceptions may be made for official performances or programs.)
  • Entering any space for which you do not have the appropriate badge, ticket, or invitation, or which is closed for the day.
  • Recording, photographing, transcribing, posting, or publishing any part of a presentation without the speaker’s express permission. Even if the presenter gives permission for recording or photographing for personal use, livestreaming or sharing recorded AGM content online is not permitted. Note-taking for personal use only is allowed without restriction.  

These rules apply at all Regional and AGM events, whether in-person or online, and at event-related social activities. The rules apply to all participants (JASNA members, guests, speakers, vendors, volunteers, and others) present at a JASNA event. JASNA retains the right to take any actions necessary to address concerns, including warning the offender or expulsion from the event with no refund.

JASNA has appointed an Ombudsperson, or Ombuds, as a resource to support members who need advice or want to report an issue or incident that is inconsistent with these Community Guidelines. The goal is to provide a confidential, impartial, informal, and independent process during which a member will feel heard, respected, and safe.

Visit the Ombudsperson page for contact information and to learn more about the role of the Ombuds.


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“I do not want people to be very agreeable, as it saves me the trouble of liking them a great deal.”