If you would like to read more about the themes of JASNA′s recent conferences, we invite you to sample the essays in our curated AGM reading lists.
The lists are composed chiefly of articles in Persuasions and Persuasions On-Line. You can also read papers from these conferences in Persuasions and Persuasions On-Line for the year of each AGM.
2022, Victoria, BC: Sense and Sensibility in the City of Gardens
2016, Washington, DC: Emma at 200: “No One But Herself”
2015, Louisville: Living in Jane Austen’s World
2014, Montréal: Mansfield Park in Montréal: Contexts, Conventions and Controversies
2013, Minneapolis: Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice . . . Timeless
2012, New York: Sex, Money and Power in Jane Austen’s Fiction
2011, Fort Worth: 200 years of Sense and Sensibility
2010, Portland: Jane Austen and the Abbey: Mystery, Mayhem and Muslin in Portland
2009, Philadelphia: Austen’s Brothers and Sisters in the City of Brotherly Love