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JASNA publications offer essays, entertainment, and news of interest to Austen fans.

  • JASNA’s peer-reviewed journals, Persuasions and Persuasions On-Line, are leading sources for Austen studies.
  • JASNA News reports on Austen-related events, programs, and books.
  • Book reviews from the newsletter are collected on this site and available to all.
  • Our Jane Austen Bibliography is published annually as a freely accessible resource for the Austen community.
  • Publications created for Annual General Meetings provide entertaining perspectives and are shared here.
  • Winning essays from JASNA’s student essay contest are published on this site in recognition of their high caliber.


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Use the site-wide keyword Search function or the Filtered Search tool below to find essays and articles on a specific topic. (NOTE: We are in the process of tagging JASNA's publications for the Filtered Search tool. If you are looking for all articles and essays on a particular topic or work, please use the keyword Search function until the tagging project has been completed.)

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JASNA’s annual, peer-reviewed journal publishes essays about Jane Austen’s life, work, and era. 


JASNA’s digital journal offers essays on Austen’s life, work, and era online, available to all.

Newsletter ›

JASNA News delivers feature articles, book reviews, Region news, and more four times a year.

Book Reviews ›

Book reviews from JASNA’s newsletter examine the latest works about Jane Austen and her era.

Jane Austen Bibliographies ›

Our annual bibliography is a valuable resource for scholars, researchers, book collectors, and avid ...

AGM Publications ›

Entertaining publications created for JASNA conferences range from fanfiction to an Austen ballet.

Essay Contest Winning Entries ›

Winning essays from our annual contest are published online in recognition of their high caliber.

“Know your own happiness.”

Sense and Sensibility