The Editor welcomes submissions for Persuasions and Persuasions On-Line that offer original insights into the writings of Jane Austen and the period in which she lived.
The reviewers on the Editorial Board look for clear and expressive writing that is appropriate for both academic and informed general readers. Articles should consider issues and concepts that will assist in our common goal of becoming better readers and interpreters of Austen’s works.
In recent years, the field of Austen scholarship has opened up the ways in which we understand Jane Austen's writing and the world of which she was a part. We use a process of blind review, and we welcome essays from emerging and established writers that explore Austen through a variety of perspectives, traditional and innovative, including, among others, race, ethnicity, gender identity and orientation, and social and economic status.
Submission constitutes a representation by the author that the paper is an original, unpublished work, that it has not been submitted elsewhere, and that the author has secured permission to publish any copyrighted material, including illustrations.
Authors retain the copyright to their essays, but essays accepted for publication in a JASNA journal may not be reprinted elsewhere without the permission of JASNA and its journal Editor. If the paper is published in Persuasions, the author will receive three copies of the print journal.
Sense and Sensibility