From the AGM: What Were Elections Like in Jane Austen's England?
October 22, 2020

If you think our modern electoral process is complicated, just see what it was like in Regency England! In this timely video presentation from JASNA's 2020 Annual General Meeting, held online Oct. 9-11, you'll find answers to many questions. Who could vote? Who could they vote for? How were campaigns conducted, and how did voting take place? What were the major parties, issues, and personalities Jane Austen would have been aware of?
Jim Nagle is a member of JASNA's Puget Sound Region and a former secretary of the JASNA Board of Directors. A semi-retired lawyer with a tremendous interest in all things Regency, Jim is a popular speaker at JASNA national and regional events.
Illustration: "House of Commons," from The Microcosm of London, Thomas Rowlandson, 1808-1811 (British Library)