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Jane Austen & Her Creative Process: A Visit with Collins Hemingway

August 8, 2024

Jane Austen & Her Creative Process: A Visit with Collins Hemingway

Jane Austen pioneered and perfected quite a few literary techniques, and her novels mark a major turning point in modern English fiction. In this episode we chat with Collins Hemingway about Austen’s development as a writer and unpack the tools in her literary toolbox. Drawing on insights from his book Jane Austen and the Creation of Modern Fiction: Six Novels in “a Style Entirely New,” Collins shares his thoughts on her creative process, what she learned from novel to novel, and her mastery of innovative literary techniques. 

Collins Hemingway is the author of Jane Austen and the Creation of Modern Fiction: Six Novels in “a Style Entirely New," which explores Austen's development as a writer. His has also published articles on a variety of topics in JASNA's journals Persuasions and Persuasions On-Line and in Jane Austen's Regency World magazine. Other works include literary fiction based on Austen’s life as well as books on business, technology, ethics, and cognitive psychology. Collins is a frequent speaker at JASNA AGMs and has served as a JASNA Traveling Lecturer.

Many thanks to Collins for appearing as a guest on Austen Chat!

Listen to Episode 14

Listen to the interview or read the transcript and show notes on our Episode 14 webpage, or stream the episode on your favorite podcast app. Austen Chat is available on Apple PodcastsSpotify,  and other streaming platforms