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Austen's World Up Close

JASNA members share their expertise in a variety of areas in these short videos, shining light on what life was like in Jane Austen's world.

Join them in the kitchen and the library, at the tea-table and the dressing-table, in the garden and the carriage house, and more.


Perfume Bottle Horse-Drawn Carriage Jane Austen sitting in garden

Things That Might Be 
Kept in a Reticule

 Pen and Parsimony: Carriages in the Novels
of Jane Austen

Recreating Jane Austen's Garden 

Artisan demonstrating paper marbling Bowl of Gruel  

Paper Marbling Techniques in the Georgian Era 

Cooking with Jane Austen   


Banner image from The Repository of Arts, Literature, Fashions, Manufactures, etc., Third Series, Vol. 6,  R. Ackermann, London, 1825



Things That Might Be Kept in a Reticule ›

Get a close-up view of the items ladies kept in their reticules during Jane Austen's era in this mul...

Pen and Parsimony: Carriages in the Novels of Jane Austen ›

Why does Austen mention specific carriages in her novels so often, and what is she trying to say?

Recreating Jane Austen’s Garden ›

Creating your own “Jane Austen garden” on your suburban acre, in your small garden, or on your apart...

Paper Marbling Techniques of the Georgian Era ›

The art of paper marbling is centuries old and reached its peak during Jane Austen's lifetime.

Cooking with Jane Austen ›

References to food appear throughout Austen's works—from gruel to syllabub to the many components of...

“We have all a better guide in ourselves, if we would attend to it, than any other person can be.”

Mansfield Park