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2023 Young Filmmakers Contest Winners

The assignment for the seventh Annual Young Filmmakers Contest was to create an original short (five minutes or less) inspired by Pride and Prejudice or by Jane Austen and her world, her novels or letters, or adaptations of her work.

2023 Judges

  • Adrian Lukis: Actor, BBC's 1995 Pride and Prejudice; Co-author and actor: Being Mr. Wickham
  • Francine Mathews/Stephanie Barron: Author,  The Jane Austen Mystery Series 
  • Xavier Samuel: Actor, Love and Friendship, Twilight: Eclipse
  • Devoney Looser: Professor: Arizona State University; Author: The Making of Jane Austen and Sister Novelists: The Trailblazing Porter Sisters, Who Paved the Way for Austen and the Brontës
  • Kathleen Flynn: Author, The Jane Austen Project
  • Alonso Duralde: Film critic, The Film Verdict

Yours Affectionately, Jane

By Bernadette Santos Schwegel
First Place

After receiving a mysterious letter in the mail, a college student begins a correspondence with a famous author from the past. 


Jane Austen: A Six-Word Memoir

By Anatolia Kozinski
Second Place 

In this film, Jane Austen chooses six words that represent different phases of her bittersweet, monumental life.  


Mr. Collins and the Zombies of Gloucestershire

By Lily Hutcheson
Third Place

Members of the executive board of a production company struggle to come up with a concept for their new Austen-inspired film. 


Emma in Brazil

By Laura Bunn
Honorable Mention

Emma Woodhouse studies abroad in Brazil and navigates new cultural experiences and relationships in a modern-day adaptation of Jane Austen's Emma.




“For what do we live, but to make sport for our neighbors and laugh at them in our turn?”

Pride and Prejudice