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Jane Austen Book Box Program

Our Jane Austen Book Box Program is designed to help schools, libraries, and community groups introduce Austen to new generations and diverse readers.

Cardboard box showing the covers of Jane Austen-related books.If you work with children in grades K-12 in the U.S. or Canada and would like to introduce them to Austen, we invite you to apply for a FREE Jane Austen Book Box. If your application is approved, you'll be able to choose books tailored to your students' needs for use in a program of your own design. Available titles range from Austen's classic novels (including annotated editions and Spanish translations), to modern retellings, graphic novels, children's adaptations, and more. 

We only require that Book Box recipients 1) allow students to keep the books for their personal libraries and 2) submit a follow-up report on the outcome of the program or project. 

Download our Jane Austen Book Box brochure or flyer to share with others in your organization or community.

Who Can Apply

Schools, libraries, and community programs serving students in grades K-12 in the U.S. and Canada can apply for a Jane Austen Book Box. Book Boxes are not available to individuals or for-profit organizations, and they are not intended for resale.

How the Program Works

  • Submit an Application
  • DChildren Reading Jane Austen Novelsownload the Book Box Application Form (Word document).
  • Review the books available through the program, decide which title(s) you would like to receive and how many, and add that information to the application form. You may request multiple copies of one book or a mix of several titles. Email the completed application to JABookBox@jasna.org
  • Please apply at least six weeks in advance of when you would like the books to arrive. The availability of a particular book and shipping times may vary.
  • This is not a book subscription program; only one Book Box is awarded per application.
  • After Approval, Order the Book Box
  • JASNA's Book Box Committee will review applications as they arrive. If your application is approved, you will receive a coupon code that will allow you to place your order on the Book Box page of the Jane Austen Books website. The cost of the books will be deducted in the checkout process.
  • Book Boxes are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis to qualified organizations and institutions until our funding for the year has been spent.
  • Report Your Results
  • Book Box recipients must submit a report on the outcome of the project or program. Please download and complete this Report Form (Word document) and email it to JABookBox@jasna.org.


Contact JASNA's Jane Austen Book Box Committee at JABookBox@jasna.org.


Jane Austen Book Box Testimonials ›

JASNA has awarded Jane Austen Book Boxes to schools, libraries, and reading programs across the U.S....

“I am fond of superior society.”

Pride and Prejudice