
“It is not every one,” said Elinor, “who has your passion for dead leaves.”
                                                                                               —Sense and Sensibility, Vol. 1, Ch. 16

It seemed only natural to name our AGM Sense and Sensibility in the City of Gardens, and Jane Austen certainly loved a garden.

In a letter to her sister, Cassandra, Jane describes their brother Henry’s garden in London as “quite a love.” She also writes, “I go and refresh myself every now and then, and then come back to Solitary Coolness.”

If she were alive today, Jane would have certainly found refreshment at our most famous tourist destination, The Butchart Gardens, or perhaps around the grounds of our main AGM hotel, The Fairmont Empress.

Although our fair city’s nickname is in our AGM title, we will celebrate Sense and Sensibility in its totality. We anticipate presentations on Austen’s journey toward becoming a published author, her influences and techniques as a writer, the intricacies of its plot and characters, and more. Our planning team is beyond excited to have you come explore our Jane’s first published book, and all of its nuanced themes, such as love, wealth, family, marriage, duty, honour . . . and don’t forget dueling!

Illustration by Hugh Thomson, 1909